Clip Description2 SPIES
Custom movie
Fetish elements:
Knocking out
Limp fetishes with uncensorious girl
Touching face, boobs, body
Shooting to the back, shooting to the breasts (twice)
Searching USB in under skirt of girl in her dead pussy (non-porn scene)
Shooting to the breasts
Death stare with open eyes
Death stare with closed eyes
Two dead sexy bodies
Black stockings
Spy theme
Annabelle is dressed in a low neck black dress and Mary in something similar to Black Widow’s outfit she has unzipped the frontal part. The theme is shooting.
A door opens and Annabelle enters in a hurry. She leans against the Wall, she is afraid of something and is breathing heavily, her breasts rise and fall. When she calms down, she extracts from her bosom a USB and go straight to a computer that is on a desk in front of her.
She inserts the USB in the computer and do not notice Mary who silently walks toward her and hits her in the head with the butt of a pistol with silencer.
Annabelle cries and falls unconscious to the floor. She is on her left side. Mary turns Annabelle´s body so she rests on her back and we can see that her left breast is exposed because of the low cut of the dress.
Mary, checks Annabelle´s pulse and then caresses her exposed breast and then her face. Anabelle takes out her cell and calls someone. She says that, as they supposed, Annabelle was the doublé agent and that she has the information in a USB. A voice in the other end tells Mary that she has to hide and let Annabelle think that everything is alright, but before she leaves the room she has to kill her.
Mary cuts the call and sees that Annabelle is recovering, so she hides away and waits. Annabelle is stunned by the blow, but she stands up and rearranges her dress to keep her breast in its place. She takes the USB, puts it inside her bosom and walks toward the door. In that moment Mary shots her in the back.
Annabelle reacts to the shot and turns around not understanding what happened, then Mary shots her two more times in her left breast, her hands go to her breast and she sees the blood in them. We see Marys satisfying expression and hear Annabelle´s body falling to the floor.
Annabelle is on her back. Her eyes closed, her mouth slightly opened. A line of blood is coming between her breasts to her neck. Mary put her fingers in Annabelle’s bosom and extracts the USB stained with blood.
Mary goes to the door but when she opens it, she sees someone and her face is full of surprise and fear. She pleads: No, no please and she walks backwards inside the room. We hear 3 shots and Mary falls backwards. Her eyes and mouth open in disbelief and 3 blood stains in her left breast. Someone takes the USB from her clutched hand and leaves. The 2 beautiful spies lie dead in the room.
Clip Duration: 6 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 264.25 MB |
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